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藜麦面条粉是黄爸爸用了接近3个月时间所研发出来的最新的无麸质产品。除了面包之外面条也是众多人最无法割舍的每天必食的早点之一。 一如往常此面条粉除了结合了营养价值高的天然糙米和有机荞麦之外,最大的惊喜就是添加了本面粉系列中的新“主角”藜麦(Quinoa), 众所周知藜麦是所有无麸质谷类中的之最。藜麦确实是一种营养非常全面的食材,无论是其蛋白质,脂肪和各种维生素,矿物质的含量都是非常丰富 ,是名符其实的“Super Food”。 如此不计成本采用多种天然高级食材结合了无麸质谷类界中的三大谷类天王~藜麦,荞麦,糙米综合而成的无麸质养生面条粉。想必也仅有一家,别无分店了! 此面粉可制作:手工面条/板面、面粉糕、乌冬面、饺子皮 等等。 藜麦


Gluten-Free Quinoa Noodle Recipe 

Quinoa noodle flour is the latest gluten-free product developed by Mr. Huang over nearly three months. Besides bread, noodles are one of the essential breakfast items for many people.

As usual, this noodle flour not only combines the high nutritional value of natural brown rice and organic buckwheat but also brings the biggest surprise with the addition of the new "star" of this flour series, quinoa. Quinoa is well-known as the top grain among all gluten-free grains. It is indeed a highly comprehensive nutritional ingredient, rich in protein, fats, various vitamins, and minerals, making it a true "Super Food."

By sparing no expense, we have combined various natural premium ingredients to create gluten-free health noodles that feature the three grain kings of the gluten-free world: quinoa, buckwheat, and brown rice. We believe there is no other place quite like it!

This flour can be used to make handmade noodles, flatbreads, udon noodles, dumpling wrappers, and more.

Quinoa noodles can be made using several types of machines:

Oxson 面机制作版本 / Oxson Pasta Machine Version


中文  👈👈 / English - still in progress..

传统制面机制作版本/ Traditional Pasta Machine Version

pasta machine

中文  👈👈 / English - still in progress..

无麸质云吞皮制作 - (无蛋) / Wantan Skin


中文  👈👈 / English - still in progress..

意式千层面 / Gluten Free Lasagna


中文  👈👈 / English - still in progress..