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《谷留香》无线手动制面机 / Wireless Noodle Maker

RM 268.00








✅1年保加 (只提供motor,不包括零件/赠品)
✅提供24小时技术支援-WhatsApp SMS
✅提供面条制作食谱(只限会员)- 无麸质干捞面 / 日本味shen拉面 / 意大利面

* 下单付款后,请允许2-3天的发货时间。
* 订购者请注意-西马免邮费
* 东马/新加坡的运费有别-特别是东马并不是每个区域都涵盖运输地点,所以请拍下后等店长确定运输详情后,再付费。


* 保用期 - 1年 -产品保用期将会在收到的货的当天算起。除了机器的摩哆以外,其余的机器配件或因人为因素造成的破坏并不在保用期的范围里。
* 产品会预先QC,然后才发货的,在运输过程中难免有些碰撞,敬请接受小小碰撞导致产品轻微擦伤的风险,如果产品发生因运输发生严重损坏的话,请在第一时间拍下相关照片及视频,以作鉴证。如果产品收到超过3天的话,因运输导致严重破坏的问题,将不被接受。
* 面机的附送赠品(一共11个)除了5个特备模具之外其余的乃属于额外赠品(请图片为标准),请在收到货后仔细检查,如有遗漏或货不对版,请在3天内向本网站或购买商家反映,如果超过3天后再发现问题,本网店绝不理会。
* 如果机器出现问题(摩哆或某些机器零件发生问题)如不确定哪里出现问题,请先通知黄爸爸,确定机器故障需要入厂维修后,请自行邮寄过来维修地址,收到后我们将会安排进行维修工作,完成后再通过运输发货回去您所提供的住址,然而所有的邮费将会由【买方负责】。 本网站只提供维修的零件,有关运输费用本网站一律不负责。

✅1年保加 (只提供motor,不包括零件/赠品)
✅提供24小时技术支援-WhatsApp SMS
✅提供面条制作食谱(只限会员)- 无麸质干捞面 / 日本味噌拉面 / 意大利面

Goglufree Wireless Noodle Maker

Since developing the quinoa noodle flour, Papa Huang has been seeking a fully automated noodle-making machine to replace traditional ones. Anyone who has used a manual noodle machine knows that not only do you need to knead the dough by hand, but you also have to let the dough rest before you can start making noodles. This process requires skill; otherwise, the noodles, especially the thin ones, can easily break. Cleaning the machine is also a major challenge.

Making gluten-free noodles is actually more time-efficient than traditional wheat noodles. Because there is no gluten, there is no need to let the dough rest. Simply combine the gluten-free flour ingredients with water, knead briefly, and the dough is ready to be fed into the machine.

However, finding the right noodle maker can be difficult because not every machine is suitable for making gluten-free noodles. Over the years, Papa Huang has sold several types of noodle makers for gluten-free noodles, but these machines still have technical shortcomings, particularly in terms of the time required for production and cleaning, making them less ideal.

The appearance of the Goglufree Wireless Noodle Maker solves all these technical problems. It takes less than 3 minutes to produce perfect rice noodles, and cleaning the machine takes only 2 minutes.

I believe this cordless noodle maker is the most convenient, fastest noodle maker I have ever used, both in terms of noodle production and cleaning!

Papa Huang's proprietary quinoa noodle flour combines seven types of all-natural grains and organic seeds. With the compression technology of the cordless noodle maker, the noodles are highly resilient and less likely to break. Even without added lye water, the machine can produce flavorful rice noodles that save a lot of effort and time.

Purchasing Benefits:

✅ 1-year warranty (motor only, not parts/gifts)
✅ Includes 11 accessories (5 molds included)
✅ 24-hour technical support via WhatsApp/SMS
✅ Noodle-making recipes (members only) – Gluten-free dry noodles / Japanese miso ramen / Spaghetti

Shipping Statement for Goglufree Wireless Noodle Maker :

  • Please allow 2-3 days for shipping after payment.
  • Note to buyers - Free shipping in Peninsular Malaysia
  • Different shipping costs for East Malaysia/Singapore - Especially for East Malaysia, not all areas are covered by shipping services, so please wait for confirmation of shipping details from the store manager before making payment.

After-Sales Service Statement:

  • Warranty Period - 1 year - The warranty period starts from the day the product is received. Apart from the motor, other machine parts or damages caused by human factors are not covered by the warranty.
  • Products are pre-QC'd before shipping, but minor bumps during transport may occur. Please accept the risk of minor scratches due to transport. If the product is seriously damaged during transport, please take photos and videos for evidence immediately. If the product is reported more than 3 days after receipt, transportation-related damages will not be accepted.
  • The 11 included accessories (including 5 special molds) are considered additional gifts. Please check carefully upon receipt. If there are any missing or mismatched items, please report to the website or seller within 3 days. Problems reported after 3 days will not be addressed.
  • If the machine has problems (motor or certain parts), please notify Papa Huang first. If repairs are needed, please mail the machine to the repair address. Once received, we will arrange the repair and ship it back to your provided address. All shipping costs will be borne by the buyer. The website only provides repair parts and does not cover shipping costs.

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