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SEKEM 芝麻酱 / SEKEM TAHINA Sesame Butter -300g

RM 38.00



1. 米面包的完美伴侣: 轻抹一层Sekem芝麻酱在米面包上,带来醇厚的口感与天然的香气,无需其他配料,简单的早餐也能瞬间变得丰富又美味。
2. 搭配蔬菜沙拉: 将芝麻酱与少量橄榄油、柠檬汁混合,调成天然的沙拉酱,赋予蔬菜新的生命,让每一口都充满健康的能量。
3. DIY 美味蘸酱: 将芝麻酱与酸奶、蜂蜜调和,打造独特的蘸酱,无论搭配水果、面包还是零食,都能轻松捕获您的味蕾。
4. 制作冷面芝麻酱: 在冷面芝麻酱料中加入一勺芝麻酱,让您的料理瞬间升级,既增添了丰富的风味,又提升了营养价值。

1. 丰富的健康脂肪:芝麻酱富含不饱和脂肪酸,特别是亚油酸,这对心血管健康有益,能够帮助降低坏胆固醇(LDL)水平。
2. 高含量的维生素和矿物质:
    * 钙:有助于骨骼和牙齿健康。
    * 铁:支持血液循环,预防贫血。
    * 镁:有助于调节血压,促进神经和肌肉功能。
    * 锌:支持免疫系统和细胞修复。
    * 维生素E:一种强效抗氧化剂,有助于保护细胞免受氧化损伤。
3. 丰富的膳食纤维:有助于消化健康,促进肠道蠕动,并帮助控制血糖水平。

1. 更高的有机标准:Demeter认证代表了最高级别的有机农业标准,产品不仅避免使用化学农药和人工添加剂,还遵循生物动力法(Biodynamic farming),进一步提升产品的营养价值和生态可持续性。
2. 无污染:Demeter产品通过严格的认证流程,确保在种植和生产过程中不会受到环境污染,确保食物的纯净度和安全性。
3. 更强的生命力:生物动力法注重土壤的健康和自然循环,提升了食物的“生命力”,从而让食物更具营养和能量。

结合这两方面,拥有Demeter认证的 Sekem芝麻酱不仅提供了丰富的营养成分,对身体有多种健康益处,同时也因其严苛的有机认证,确保了食物的品质和生态可持续性。

Discover Natural Deliciousness and Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle! 🍞🥒

Looking to enhance your breakfast with a nutritious and delightful experience? Sekem Tahini is your perfect choice! Made from premium organic sesame seeds, it retains the rich, nutty flavor of sesame while being packed with essential nutrients like Vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, iron, and more.

Recommended Uses:

  1. The Perfect Companion for Rice Bread: Spread a thin layer of Sekem Tahini on your rice bread for a rich texture and natural aroma. No additional ingredients needed—this simple breakfast instantly becomes wholesome and delicious.

  2. Pair with Vegetable Salad: Mix tahini with a bit of olive oil and lemon juice to create a natural salad dressing. It brings your veggies to life, making each bite full of healthy energy.

  3. DIY Delicious Dips: Blend tahini with yogurt and honey to create a unique dip. Whether paired with fruits, bread, or snacks, it will easily captivate your taste buds.

  4. Make Cold Noodle Sesame Sauce: Add a spoonful of tahini to your cold noodle sesame sauce for an instant upgrade. It enhances the flavor and boosts the nutritional value of your dish.

Why Choose Sekem Tahini?

  1. Rich in Healthy Fats: Tahini is high in unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health and helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

  2. High in Vitamins and Minerals:

    • Calcium: Supports bone and dental health.
    • Iron: Aids in blood circulation and prevents anemia.
    • Magnesium: Helps regulate blood pressure and promotes nerve and muscle function.
    • Zinc: Supports the immune system and cell repair.
    • Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative damage.
  3. Rich in Dietary Fiber: Aids digestive health, promotes gut motility, and helps control blood sugar levels.

Benefits of Demeter Certification:

  1. Higher Organic Standards: Demeter certification represents the highest level of organic farming standards. Products not only avoid the use of chemical pesticides and artificial additives but also follow biodynamic farming methods, further enhancing the nutritional value and ecological sustainability of the product.

  2. Pollution-Free: Demeter products undergo a rigorous certification process to ensure they are not contaminated by environmental pollutants during growing and production, guaranteeing the purity and safety of the food.

  3. Enhanced Vitality: Biodynamic farming emphasizes soil health and natural cycles, which enhances the "vitality" of the food, making it more nutritious and energetic.

With these combined benefits, Demeter-certified Sekem Tahini not only provides rich nutritional content and numerous health benefits but also guarantees food quality and ecological sustainability due to its strict organic certification.

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