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有机自磨车前子粉 / Organic Self-Grinding Psyllium Husk Powder

RM 15.90

有机车前子粉简介 🌱

车前子粉是一种来自车前子壳(Psyllium Husk)的天然膳食纤维,富含可溶性纤维,能为消化系统提供多种益处,特别是在调节肠道健康方面。有机车前子粉是新鲜自磨的,保留了其天然的营养成分和功效,是日常饮食中不可多得的健康选择。


  1. 促进肠道健康

    • 车前子粉的可溶性纤维能够吸水膨胀,形成胶状物质,促进肠蠕动,帮助排便,预防便秘。
    • 对于患有肠易激综合征(IBS)慢性便秘的人群特别适合。
  2. 调节血糖

    • 可溶性纤维可以减缓碳水化合物的吸收,帮助平稳血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有益。
  3. 降低胆固醇

    • 车前子粉有助于降低低密度脂蛋白(LDL),也就是“坏”胆固醇,降低心血管疾病风险。
  4. 控制体重

    • 车前子粉吸水膨胀后能增加饱腹感,减少食物摄入量,有助于体重管理,对想要减肥的人群非常有帮助。
  5. 缓解胃酸倒流

    • 车前子粉的黏稠特性可以在胃中形成保护性胶状物,缓解胃酸倒流症状。


  • 肠胃问题患者:如便秘、肠易激综合征、痔疮等。
  • 糖尿病患者:帮助稳定血糖水平。
  • 高血脂患者:帮助降低胆固醇。
  • 减肥人士:帮助增加饱腹感,控制食欲。
  • 高纤维饮食需求者:需要补充膳食纤维的人群。


  1. 日常食用方法

    • 早餐:将1-2茶匙车前子粉加入一杯温水或果汁中,搅拌均匀后立即饮用,最好是在饭前服用,以帮助增加饱腹感并促进消化。
    • 汤或粥:可以将车前子粉混入汤、粥或燕麦中,增加膳食纤维摄入。
    • 烘焙食品:可将车前子粉作为烘焙食品的增稠剂替代鸡蛋的原料,例如在制作无麸质面包、蛋糕中使用。
  2. 注意事项

    • 每次食用车前子粉时务必大量饮水,以防止肠道堵塞。
    • 孕妇或患有严重肠胃疾病者在使用前应咨询医生。


  • 轻度便秘:每天1-2次,每次1茶匙车前子粉,加入一杯温水中。
  • 血糖管理:餐前或饭后服用1茶匙车前子粉,帮助降低餐后血糖。
  • 高胆固醇人群:建议每天2-3次,每次1-2茶匙,长期坚持服用。



Introduction to Organic Psyllium Husk Powder 🌱

Psyllium husk powder is a natural dietary fiber derived from the husks of the psyllium seed (Psyllium Husk). Rich in soluble fiber, it provides various benefits for the digestive system, particularly in regulating gut health. Our organic psyllium husk powder is freshly ground, retaining its natural nutrients and effectiveness, making it a valuable addition to your daily diet.

Benefits of Psyllium Husk Powder and Suitable Groups

  • Promotes Gut Health:

    • The soluble fiber in psyllium husk absorbs water, expands to form a gel-like substance that promotes bowel movement and prevents constipation.
    • Especially beneficial for individuals with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or chronic constipation.
  • Regulates Blood Sugar:

    • Soluble fiber slows the absorption of carbohydrates, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for people with diabetes.
  • Lowers Cholesterol:

    • Psyllium husk helps reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as "bad" cholesterol, lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Weight Management:

    • Psyllium husk expands after absorbing water, increasing the feeling of fullness, reducing food intake, and assisting in weight management, making it ideal for those looking to lose weight.
  • Relieves Acid Reflux:

    • The thick consistency of psyllium husk can form a protective gel-like substance in the stomach, alleviating acid reflux symptoms.

Suitable For:

  • Individuals with digestive issues: such as constipation, IBS, hemorrhoids, etc.
  • Diabetics: helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • People with high cholesterol: helps reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Those aiming for weight loss: helps increase satiety and control appetite.
  • People needing a high-fiber diet: those needing additional dietary fiber.

Medical and Dietary Usage Suggestions

  • Daily Consumption Methods:

    • Breakfast: Add 1-2 teaspoons of psyllium husk powder to a glass of warm water or juice, stir well, and drink immediately, preferably before meals to help increase satiety and promote digestion.
    • Soups or Porridge: Mix psyllium husk powder into soups, porridge, or oats to increase dietary fiber intake.
    • Baking: Psyllium husk powder can be used as a thickener or egg substitute in baked goods, such as gluten-free bread and cakes.
  • Precautions:

    • Always drink plenty of water when consuming psyllium husk powder to prevent intestinal blockage.
    • Pregnant women or those with severe digestive issues should consult a doctor before use.

Medical Dosage Suggestions:

  • Mild Constipation: 1-2 times per day, 1 teaspoon of psyllium husk powder mixed in a glass of warm water.
  • Blood Sugar Management: 1 teaspoon of psyllium husk powder before or after meals to help reduce post-meal blood sugar levels.
  • High Cholesterol: 2-3 times a day, 1-2 teaspoons each time, with consistent long-term use.


Organic psyllium husk powder is a natural and healthy dietary fiber supplement that can effectively improve gut health, regulate blood sugar, and lower cholesterol. It is suitable for daily use by various groups. Make psyllium husk powder a part of your healthy diet and bring more vitality and wellness to your body!

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