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无麸质有机燕麦初胚粉/Gluten Free Organic Embryo Oat Powder

RM 36.00






1. 蛋白质:燕麦胚芽富含优质植物蛋白,有助于肌肉修复和生长。
2. 膳食纤维:燕麦胚芽含有大量膳食纤维,有助于消化健康和控制血糖水平。
3. 维生素:特别是维生素E和B族维生素,对皮肤健康、能量代谢和神经系统功能有重要作用。
4. 矿物质:如铁、锌、镁和磷,有助于骨骼健康、免疫系统功能和能量代谢。
5. 抗氧化物质:如植物化合物和酚类物质,有助于减缓细胞老化和减少炎症。

1. 早餐:可以加入紫薯粉、有机可可粉(取代milo)、绿茶粉或奶昔中,作为健康的早餐选择。
2. 烘焙:可用于制作面包、煎饼、饼干等烘焙食品,增加营养价值。
3. 增稠剂:可以作为汤、酱汁和炖菜的增稠剂,提供更丰富的口感。
4. 补充剂:可以直接加入到各种食物中,如沙拉、麦片、燕麦粥等,以增加营养摄入。


1. 促进消化健康:高纤维含量有助于促进肠道蠕动,防止便秘。
2. 心脏健康:燕麦中的β-葡聚糖有助于降低胆固醇水平,减少心脏病风险。
3. 稳定血糖:纤维有助于减缓糖的吸收,帮助维持稳定的血糖水平。
4. 增强免疫力:富含的维生素和矿物质有助于增强免疫系统功能。
5. 抗氧化保护:抗氧化物质有助于减少氧化应激,保护细胞免受损伤。
6. 燕麦胚芽粉是一种营养丰富、用途广泛的健康食品,适合各类人群日常食用。

– 用于烹饪
– 代替奶精
– 乳糖不耐症患者
– 牛奶过敏患者
– 半乳糖血症
– 所有年龄层(1 岁以上)
– 素食者
– 患有高血糖、血压、血脂和胆固醇水平的人



Gluten Free Organic Embryo Oat Powder is made with the finest texture embryo oats certified by the USDA. Embryo oat is a new taste of oat. It is harvested during the golden time of oats and contains higher nutritional value than ordinary oats. In essence, embryo oat is higher in protein, dietary fiber and calcium as compared with ordinary oats. This lactose-free product is suitable for replacing dairy milk or creamer for cooking purposes.

The Goodness of Organic Embryo Oat Powder

Improve digestion:
– Oat consists of soluble and non-soluble fiber which improve nutrient absorption.

Lower calorie intake:
– Oat gives satiety by slowing gastric emptying.

Cardio health:
– Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber that helps to lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels by increasing the elimination of bile acid. This allows body to utilize stored cholesterol to produce more bile acid.

 Good for diabetes patients:
– Helps to control blood glucose level and reduce dependence on insulin injection.

High Protein:
– Essential for growth and development; helps repair and build body tissues.

High Calcium:
– Aid for development of strong bone and teeth.

Suitable for:

– Cooking purpose
– Replacing creamer for coffee
– Lactose intolerant patient
– Cow’s milk allergy patient
– Galactosemia
– All age groups (above the age of 1)
– All vegetarian
– People concerned about blood sugar, pressure, lipid and cholesterol levels


Organic embryo oats

 Direction of use:
– Cooking curry and spices (substitute coconut milk)
– Mixing with tea and coffee (as non dairy creamer)
– Baking breads and cookies
– Making dessert, ice-cream, yoghurt, pudding, custard, pancake, salad dressing etc.

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