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谷留香无麸质糙米面包粉 / Goglufree Brown Rice Bread Flour

RM 16.90








天然自磨糙米/有机自磨荞麦/天然木薯淀粉/天然马铃薯淀 粉/有机自磨黄金亚麻籽粉/黄原胶/有机自磨车前子



Gluten-Free Rice Bread Information

"Goglufree" Brown Rice Bread Flour is made from a combination of high-fiber grains, including brown rice and buckwheat, totaling 7 all-natural ingredients. Compared to other traditional bread recipes, it is estimated to have 20-30% lower calories than refined bread. This means you can enjoy delicious bread without causing a spike in blood sugar levels.

Grains are complex carbohydrates and have a low glycemic index, meaning they don't quickly break down into glucose like sugar does. This helps in controlling blood sugar levels. The high fiber content in "Goglufree" rice bread flour also aids in lowering blood sugar levels, increasing satiety, and helping to control appetite, reducing unnecessary food intake.

Unlike other brand, we do not add any artificial ingredients such as softeners or preservatives. We only use natural ingredients, ensuring that our rice bread is healthy and free from additives. Freshly baked rice bread is fragrant and full of the natural flavors of grains.

Rice bread has a solid texture, and just a slice or two can make you feel satisfied. Additionally, rice bread is rich in dietary fiber, which is easy to digest and increases satiety, reducing cravings for snacks. The dietary fiber in rice bread also enhances intestinal movement, promotes regular bowel movements, and helps reduce toxin accumulation in the body.

In addition to that, Huang Papa, the founder of Goglufree, has also spent some time using three different types of machines to develop simple recipes for everyone. You can choose the most suitable method for yourself based on your preferences. I believe that by following the steps, you will be able to create delicious and healthy rice bread just like Mr. Gary's signature bread!

Ingredients for bread production:

  • Natural stone-ground brown rice
  • Organic stone-ground buckwheat
  • Natural cassava starch
  • Natural potato starch
  • Organic stone-ground golden flaxseed
  • Xanthan gum
  • Organic stone-ground psyllium husk powder

Brown Rice Bread Recipe:

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